Towards thE dataSetS for the European secuRity dAta space for innovation
Towards thE dataSetS for the European secuRity dAta space for innovation
The TESSERA consortium team is consisted of seven partners, including law enforcement, research institutions, and industry experts in security and AI, as well as legal and ethical specialists across three EU countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Spain)
Towards thE dataSetS for the European secuRity dAta space for innovation
TESSERA aims to conduct the preparatory work for the creation of
high-quality large-scale trusted and shareable datasets supporting the
European Security Data Space for Innovation.
Towards thE dataSetS for the European secuRity dAta space for innovation
The TESSERA consortium team is consisted of seven partners, including law enforcement, research institutions, and industry experts in security and AI, as well as legal and ethical specialists across three EU countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Spain)
Duration: 24 months
Explore the landscape of datasets in the field of security.
To analyse and define the requirements for data quality assessment tools in the field of security.
To design the low-level architecture of the data-related national components of the European Security Data Space.
To Engage stakeholders in the field of security and organise technical workshops to exchange best practices and lessons learnt
Produce a report with the main achievements, results, and outcomes of the project activities
GA Number: 101145802
Start Date: March 2024
Duration: 24 months
Call: ISF-2022-TF1-AG-DATA
Project coordinator: CERTH